L’Altra Romagna was set up as società a responsabilità limitata (s.r.l.- limited company) on 23rd December, 1992.
It became a società consortile a responsabilità limitata (Consortium Ltd.) on 28th September, 2004.
It is registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Forlì, n. 250511, Register of Companies n.19025
Tax Identification Number and VAT code 02223700408.

The founders were:
– Consorzio Promoappennino (30% of shares)
– Viaticon S.r.l. (30% of shares)
– Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori of Forlì (10% of shares)
– Confesercenti Cesenate (10% of shares)
– Associazione Generale Cooperative Italiane of Forlì (5% of shares)
– Provincial Authority of Forlì (5% of shares)
– Comunità Montana Cesenate (5% of shares)
– Comunità Montana Forlivese (5% of shares).

Than, the following stakeholders entered the Consortium:
Mountain Community Acquacheta, the Foreste Casentinesi National Park and the Provincial Authority of Bologna on 30th September, 1999 (the last one left the Consortium on 13th September, 2004);
The Provincial Authority of Ravenna, Mountain Community Appennino Faentino, the Chamber of Commerce of Ravenna, the Provincial Authority of Rimini, Mountain Community Valmarecchia on 31st December, 2001; the Chamber of Commerce of Rimini and the Chamber of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena on 13th September 2004.

Among the founders, Agenzia Viaggi Viaticon s.r.l. left the Consortium in 1995

Public stakeholders:
Provincial Authority of Forlì-Cesena
Provincial Authority of Ravenna
Provincial Authority of Rimini
Mountain Community of Appennino Forlivese
Mountain Community of Appennino Cesenate
Union of the Acquacheta-Romagna Toscana  Mountainous area
Union of Municipalities of Brisighella, Casola Valsenio and Riolo Terme
Union of Municipalities Valle del Marecchia
Foreste Casentinesi Monte Falterona e Campigna National Park
Chamber of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena
Chamber of Commerce of Rimini
Chamber of Commerce of Ravenna

Private stakeholders:
Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori province of Forlì-Cesena
Confesercenti Cesenate
Consorzio Promoappennino
Associazione Generale Cooperative Italiane

Total of shares owned by Public Authorities: 41,91%
Total of shares owned by Private Stakeholders: 58,09%
The Company became Local Action Group in 1994, submitting its candidacy as manager of the Leader II Project for the Apennines Area of Romagna.

L’Altra Romagna s.cons. a r.l., under art.1 (9) of the Directive 2004/18/CE is defined as “Public Equivalent Body” since, as indicated by the Directive 2004/18, a “legal body governed by public law” means: 

-. established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character;
-. having legal personality; and
-. either financed, for the most part, by the State, or regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law, or subject to management supervision by those bodies, or having an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities or by other bodies governed by public law.

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