Proposed Nature Park in “Vena del Gesso”

18 October 2016

Proposed Nature Park in “Vena del Gesso”

1. In the Park of the Chalk Vein The Park of the Chalk Vein contains a unique natural environment, with limestone formations, caves in part to visitors, rare species of flora and fauna.   2. Chalk dust Two days in order to deepen the study of geology, soil types, and […]
18 October 2016


Was presented at the headquarters of the Province of Forlì-Cesena, the project Ippovia IN ROMAGNA: GPS system, illustrated guide, maps, maps and website developed by L’Altra Romagna to promote tourism in the equestrian section of the Great Ippovia of ‘Emilia Romagna. Request Info – Go to the Site – Download […]
18 October 2016

Travel Between the Products of the Ridge

“THE RESULT OF THE SEARCH” is a project to restore value to the Territory, saving a fortune economic, social and cultural extraordinary heritage of farmers and artisans made the unwritten but rich and complex, complete with a set of information and tips to make known” history “of products, to bring […]
18 October 2016

Eco Museum

The Eco-museum is the museum of a place and place of the Museum at the same time, a Museum of Nature and man, when the discovery of Man is only meaningful in relation to the reading of Nature, and where both actions occur along the way. The Eco-museum is the […]

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